I am a goldsmith with a background in sculpture. You are welcome to visit the studio and discover my work or the option of a custom made piece. I specialize in personal and conceptual jewellery, combined with artisanal craftsmanship. I've studied Fine Art at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and Sandberg Institute and traditional goldsmithing in Schoonhoven. Creative and personal commissions, like wedding rings, are part of what makes my job so great. So please get in touch!

2012 - 2016
Vakschool Schoonhoven, basis goudsmid
Xiamen University China, uitwisseling 3 mnd.
2005 - 2007
Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam, Fine Art Master
1999 - 2004
Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, Fine Art Bachelor
Artist in Residence
van Goghhuis, Zundert
KIK, Kolderveen
Badgast, Scheveningen
Argument, Tilburg
Id11, Delft
Kunsthuis Syb, Beesterzwaag
2014 - 2015
van Goghhuis, Zundert NL
Mediamatic - Hope Step Japan, Amsterdam NL
Nida Art Colony - On Flux of Sand and Aquatic Eco Systems, Vilnius LT
Norh Sea Conference - Cinema at Sea, Den Haag NL
Ram Foundation, Rotterdam NL
Tetterode - Binding Image 2, Amsterdam NL
TodaysArt 2014, Scheveningen NL
Watersnoodmuseum - Oral History 1953, Ouwerkerk NL
2012 - 2013
Badgast - Departure Bay, Scheveningen NL
Gemeente Museum Den Haag - World Oceans Film Festival, Den HaagNL
International Filmfestival Cine al Mar, Sante Marta CO
KIK - Useless Useful Objects Bring Order in the Chaos, Kolderveen NL
MuzyQ - Binding Image, Amsterdam NL
Rewire Festival - Beginnings Are in the Offing, Den Haag NL
Sattellietgroep - Now Wakes the Sea, Batumi GE
Siemens Sanat - Now Wakes the Sea, Istanbul TR
Stichting IK - Where I an Likely to Find It, Oost-Souburg NL
2010 - 2011
Argument - In Between, Tilburg NL
Id11, Delft NL
Incubate Festival - In Between, Tilburg NL
RC de Ruimte - Push, Amsterdam NL
2003 - 2009
Asolo Filmfestival, Osolo IT
De Balie, Amsterdam NL
Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam NL
Gallery Oost 99, Hoorn NL
Huis van Marseille, Amsterdam NL
Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam NL
Kunsthuis Syb - Impakt, Beesterzwaag NL
Little Big Press, Rome IT
Manzara Perspectives, Istanbul TR
Museum Smallingerland, Drachten NL
NAI Biennale for Architecture, Rotterdam NL
Open Screen Short Film Festival, Amsterdam NL
Plein Museum, Amsterdam NL
Project(or) Art Fair, Rotterdam NL
Witter dan Wit, Amsterdam NL